Enemy Pie

enemy pie is a childerns book by Derek Munson and illustrated by Tara Calahan king enemy pie is about a kid who lives next door with his best friend stanly but later on in baseball club he makes an enemy called JERMY ROSS who did not invite him to play at the trampoline and laughed at him in baseball until his dad makes ENEMY PIE he told his son that he had to spend a day with his enemy for enemy pie to work so he did they had a pretty good time the did lots of things like riding a bike or going on the trampoline at the end of the day they had a dinner at the kid’s house and after dinner it was dessert time and it was the time for enemy pie the pie looked ok but the kid had made friends with his enemy so he told him ( NO DON’T THE PIE IT MIGHT BE PISENNES OR SOMETHING! ) but jermy told him that his dad was eating the pie so he turned a round and he saw that his dad was REALY EATING THE PIE so jermy did’ realy mind so he started to eat the pie as wellthe kid watched for a few seeconds and took a bite of the pie and it was not so bad and in facted it was good. aster all enemy pie wasn’t so bad